Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Wedding Healthy

With 52(!) days to go I've started my wedding-eat-healthy-diet-but-not-really-a-diet.   Let's be honest if I tried to keep myself on a strict diet for 52 days I'd probably lose it and run straight for the wedding cake the second after saying I do - so that's not happening.  I’ve taken on more of a casual approach where I'm focus a lot more on portions and eating more good things and less bad things.  Fruit has been one of the biggest changes.  I've never been a fruit person but have pushed myself to start eating more of it and I have to say I'm amazed at how much I've begun to enjoy it.  That said there is definitely a difference between good fruit and shitty fruit.  Luckily I've started a morning relationship with the little street cart vendor fruit guy.  You'd think these carts on the side of NYC would have the worst choice in fruit, not true with this guy he brings the good stuff.  I get a plate full of several varieties of fruit for $3 - ridiculous in NYC standards. So if you're near 46th and 6th check out the fruit cart on the southeast corner - he makes smoothies too for $4 - win.  I'm going to go eat breakfast now:

1 comment:

  1. Wow! By now the wedding must be around the corner!! Congrats...super exciting!!
