Thursday, May 24, 2012

It's the little things

Just an insight to a few small things that instantly cheer me up -

Adding some new flowers to the apt

Growing fresh basil (or trying apparently our window get a bit too much sun!)

Cappuccino while getting my hair done

Bright spring colors!

So ready for a nice 4 day wedding filled weekend - DSG and I are heading up to my parents house for  wedding planning pow-wows, our engagment photo shoot and our friends' wedding on Sunday :)

Happy Memorial Day!


  1. Ahh bright spring colors are fantastic! So fresh looking :) Want to follow each other doll?? Let me know!! xoxo

    Lady Million

  2. Absolutely! You just made my day:) Just checked out your blog and am dying over it!

  3. I hardly ever have fresh flowers in our apartment, but when I do they make me so much happier and more productive. And can ALWAYS brighten my day :)
